
Ranking High on Yahoo | Rank #1 Google

Before, the problem was Google. You could get your site to rank number #1 on Yahoo & MSn without effort, but you could never find your site anywhere on Google. Well, that was because when we first optmized you site, you did the mete-tag, keywords, title, decription & content. THEN you started the link exchange. It takes time for Google to find you links on the web, but once they find them, you'll find yourself on top of Google.

But, recently a lot of SEOd sites have been falling off of Yahoo. But at the same time, keeping the same (if not better) positions on Google & MSN. The reason is very very simple. Yahoo decided to take a different approach at searches. Now, they are looking for content that you can't find on other sites. Also, if you have a lot of ads on your page, Yahoo will much rather give those top rankings to sites with no ads and good content. So if your site rencently fell off yahoo or you just cant get ranked high on Yahoo, it's most likely because you have a lot of ads or not so speciaal content.

1 comment:

Kradz Review said...

Hi ,nice content and layout,how about adding some blog widget to it

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